Can you guess the name of this painting ?
Here are some clues with visual hints...
Man holding a Glove
Man with Skull and Pansy
Yes, you guessed it ...or maybe not
Portrait of a Woman
Can someone explain why it's not called
Woman with a Dog
All four paintings hang together in row
The National Gallery has another Portrait of Woman - who looks like a girl, as well as two called Portrait of a Lady, one who looks like a woman while the other could at least be called the Dalmatian Woman or Woman with her Profile Bust to make her stand out, then there's one portrait simply titled Woman. I used to think A Black Woman was a little too stark a title now I see at least it does give this Black woman some distinction amongst the National Gallery's anonymous women and ladies portraits.
The National needs more creativity in naming these pictures of unknown woman to at least differentiate them one from another - perhaps they could have a competition to rename these anonymous women or at least give the paintings some distinction with individual titles ?